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В этой теме 0 ответов, 1 участник, последнее обновление  arekufag 1 год, 2 мес. назад.

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  • #6923


    <br> Living in urban areas with green spaces has a long-term positive impact on people’s mental well-being, https://keycodesoftware.com/ study found that<br>Uk scientists calculated that relocation to green space had a sustained positive effect the result is distinct from a pay raise or a career that provided only a temporary boost.<br>According to the authors, the results demonstrated that the approach to quality city parks was important for the individual population.<br> Findings collected in the journal environmental science and technology.<br>Green park<br> Co-author matthew white of the european center for environment and human well-being, university of exeter, uk , explained that the study is based on the results of the research study, which showed that citizens who live in the greenest urban areas show fewer signs of depression or anxiety. <br>»However, we never knew the time trajectory,» he said. Told bbc news.<br>“Several reasons could work, for example, many adults are trying to make themselves happier: they want to climb the corporate ladder, to increase salaries, they already get married.<br>»But the problems with their listed things in this half a year or a year, they remember their initial degree of security. This means these items are unstable; young ladies do not make us happy in the long run.<br><br><br>

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